
About Us

Founded in April 2018, Pratibimb Charitable Trust is a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO). It is established for the purpose of teaching spiritual breathing exercises, techniques of meditation and laws of living. The aim is to promote peace and harmony in oneself and in our surroundings which include family, society, country and the entire world.

Pratibimb is duly registered as a Charitable Trust under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 having Registration No E 33921 (Mumbai).

The Trust provides programs which are taught in 5 levels – Basic Level – Life and Breath (LaB) and 4 levels of Advance Course – Life is Mind, Body, Spirit (LiMBS). These programs consist of age-old, time-tested experience-based practices which help every human being to reach or experience the Supreme Reality that is reflected in everyone but is largely ignored as it is not a tangible subject. While the spiritual journey is long and arduous, the physical and mental improvements are so dramatic that they leave the beneficiary gasping in wonderment.

Our objective is not merely teaching these practices but to make them interesting and enjoyable so that each human being is able to live a happy, healthy and fruitful life realizing the immense inner potential.

At Pratibimb, we believe in giving back to society. This is in line with our vision of serving humanity with joy and gratitude. All proceeds collected, after meeting trust expenses, from the participants of LaB and LiMBS programs are utilised to support humanity during calamities, help the needy and poor people and offer selfless service to the society thereby promoting harmony and love. (See our Charitable Activities)

Pratibimb is led and supported by volunteers who selflessly and relentlessly help to spread the unique knowledge of our programs.

What does Pratibimb stand for?

The word “Bimb” denotes circle or sphere. A sphere denotes ‘whole and complete’ which is nothing but the whole Universe. The ‘Supreme’, addressed by different names in various religions, is ONE and is whole and perfect. Bimb is whole, complete and Supreme and people choose to call IT God!
Pratibimb means reflection. Every creation in the Universe is a reflection of the Supreme. Every form in the Universe, from the suns, planets, moons and stars to everything on Earth, from the minerals, plants, animals and humans are HIS reflected glory. It is said that the human form is made in HIS image. That we humans do not recognize our true self and therefore do not manifest Godly characteristics is the tragedy of mankind.

What does our Logo symbolize?

The logo of the organization, “Tat Tvam Asi” – That Thou Art, tells everyone that he is ‘That Supreme Being’. Pratibimb does not merely expound the theory but practically shows “how” to refine the self which will lead to “enlightenment”. It imparts hands-on training in simple, easy-to-understand ways.
Pratibimb literally hand-holds the initiate through the path of progress. Once the path is shown, anyone can practice, walk onto the path, experiment, apply and eventually start realizing the Truth of the Self.


To reach globally and offer self-realization techniques.


Eternally serve humanity with joy and gratitude.


Integrity, authenticity, dignity, selfless love and harmony.
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